IER The EU Economy Programme
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In the academic year 1998/99 the Belarusian State Economic University (BSEU) established co-operation with the Jean Moulen Lion-3 University. Some graduates of the BSEU continued their education at that university.

The dynamic co-operation with the Lion-3 University based on bilateral agreements allowed the BSEU to obtain from the EU funds a grant for the international project “The EU Economy”. The Jean Moulen Lion-3 University, the Chamber of Commerce of Lion, the University of Turin and the BSEU participate in this project.

Under the project for the first time in the history of the Belarusian higher education system the sub-faculty of International Business was created in the BSEU. The objectives of the sub-faculty are: to create the speciality “European Studies”, to establish an informational centre and to work out necessary educational materials and manuals.

Moreover, the new sub-faculty will help the students to acquire experience and skills in analysing and addressing the problems of international business, internationalisation and economic integration through studying the phenomena typical for the history and the present of the European region.

The students of different departments of the BSEU, other state and private universities, the specialists of different enterprises and governmental institutions participate in the programme. The total number of the participants is more than 90 persons.

The programme is divided into 8 modules and covers the following topics:

The history, the principles and the institutions of the EU.

The business law of the EU.

The financial policies of the EU.

The enlargement of the EU, its international relations and security policies.

The economic and social institutions of the EU.

Lectures are delivered by the professors of the Jean Moulen Lion-3 University and  the University of Turin. Ten teachers of the BSEU work in co-operation with their foreign colleagues.

Having finished each module the participants will take a written test and receive certificates if passed. Having finished the programme the participants will receive final certificates of the European standard.

There are Russian and French sections about the programme in our site, where one can find the programme schedule and educational materials. 


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